Scissor Lift Dangers

A scissor lift is a piece of equipment that is used to vertically elevate individuals or objects. While there are many different types of scissor lifts, all of them operate using the same basic mechanical principles.

A basic scissor lift consists of a platform (where a person stands, or an object is placed), the scissor arms (which extend and retract to raise and lower the platform), and a control panel or station from which the lift is operated. Scissor lifts are used in many industrial and construction applications; however, if proper precautions are not taken, several dangerous scenarios could result.
  1. Getting Crushed/Pinched

    • Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of working with a scissor lift is the potential for having a limb or other body part pinched or crushed in the scissor arms. These arms collapse down upon each other at multiple joint locations when the platform is lowered, all of which serve as entryways for potential injury.

      According to, you should never put your hands or feet under the platform of the scissor lift unless you need to perform maintenance. In which case, you will need to disconnect the power and insert safety bars, which prevent the platform from collapsing.


    • Many scissor lifts are not insulated. This means they have the potential for conducting electricity, and could severely injure both an operator and—if present—an individual on the platform.

      According to, you should always maintain a safe distance from power lines and other electrical apparatus when using a scissor lift, making sure to take into account the potential sway or other movement the scissor lift might undergo while in use.


    • According to, scissor lifts are typically not designed to be able to hold large, heavy loads that extend beyond the edges of the platform.

      As a scissor lift extends its arms, this type of load will cause the lift to become unbalanced (it will be top heavy, with gravity pulling down on the overhanging section of material), which can ultimately result in the entire lift overturning.

      Setting up the lift on uneven ground, or driving the lift while the platform is raised could also result in overturning.

    Falling Objects

    • As with ladders and other devices that elevate individuals, there is always the potential that someone might drop a tool or knock over construction material while up on the lift platform. This is not so much a problem for the individual on the platform, but could cause serious injury to any individuals that might be below.

      According to, you should use yellow caution tape to alert people of this potential danger while on the lift platform, and red danger type if you do not want anyone entering a designated work zone.

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