LED Radiation Warning Signs
LED radiation warning signs are much more visible than regular radiation warning signs. A regular sign is painted or printed and put on the wall or door, but it never changes color or draws the eye. If the lights happen to be dimmed in an area, then the sign might be missed altogether. A LED radiation warning sign on the other hand can draw a person's eye more regularly. The bright glow of the lights will make these warning signs more noticeable, as well as the colors they will glow in. Additionally these signs are usually mounted at eye level or near the door handle so that when a person looks to grab the handle, they'll see the LED sign.
LED radiation warning signs are also energy efficient. They use only 3.6 watts of electricity at any given time, according to lasermet.com. While these warning signs may be plugged into a building's regular power via an outlet, they can also function off a battery pack. By using both options, it ensures that an LED radiation warning sign will remain on during a power outage and continue to warn people who may be walking around in the dark that there could be a radiation hazard behind a certain door.
Accurate Information
An LED radiation warning sign is also a great deal more accurate than a simpler radiation warning sign. One of the LED radiation warning signs has the ability to determine whether or not there is a current radiation danger inside the room it's attached to. This means that when there is a radiation danger, the LED will show red or orange lettering that reads "Danger Radiation." When there is no radiation danger within the room, however, the LED radiation warning sign will instead display a message such as "Source Safe."