How to Reuse PPE
Things You'll Need
- Plastic garbage cans
- Plastic garbage bags
- Water
- Soap
- Sprayers
- Long-handled brushes
- Water containment equipment
- Disposable towels
- Testing equipment
How to Reuse PPE
Remove disposable and sacrificial PPE and place it in plastic garbage bags or cans.
Brush PPE while spraying with soap and water solution. Collect excess liquid in a containment area such as a tank or disposable kiddie pool.
Rinse PPE with clean water. Rinse clothing several times, starting at the top of the equipment to be sure all cleaning solution has been removed. Use disposable towels to remove excess water after thorough rinsing.
Inspect PPE for damage. This includes cuts, abrasions, punctures and discoloration. Discolored areas may indicate that contaminants have permeated or degraded the PPE material. Removal of chemicals that have permeated PPE fabric may require specialized treatment by the manufacturer or a manufacturer’s representative. Degraded material may require removal and replacement by qualified personnel.
Place all disposable, damaged and irreparable PPE in plastic bags and cans for off-site disposal before leaving the decontamination area.
Inspect all PPE destined for reuse for degradation, stains and discoloration. Perform wipe tests of inner and outer surfaces for laboratory analysis. Monitoring devices that include detection tubes, radiation monitors, pH testers and photo-ionization detectors (PIDs) can be used on site to verify successful decontamination before moving PPE from the site.
Take material samples or send PPE for off-site testing, repair and patching. After certifying successful decontamination, the PPE should be visual inspected before being placed back into service.