Gas Cylinder Safety
Inspect the gas cylinder for leaks, damage and proper labeling and to ensure that the valve cover and cylinder cap are on. If the cylinder is damaged or leaking or its contents are unknown, contact the vendor immediately to have the cylinder returned.
Markings and Documentation
A gas cylinder should always come with a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The cylinder should also be properly labeled with the type of gas it contains and appropriate hazard markings.
Cylinders should be stored according to the type of gas, with empty cylinders in a separate area. Cylinders should be stood upright and secured firmly to the wall with a clamp and belt or a chain. Each cylinder should be individually secured, and the room should be designated for cylinders only, away from heat, light or electrical wiring.
Gas cylinders should only be moved on a cylinder cart and should be secured with a chain. The valves and caps should not be used to move or lift the cylinder, and unless a special cart is being used, regulators should be removed and all valves closed and capped. The cylinder should never be dragged or rolled.
All connections on a cylinder should be tight, and hardware should be clean and free of oil or grease. Keep the cylinders away from heat and flames, ensure that they aren't punctured, and ensure that an appropriate number of staff are trained and equipped to handle a fire.