When to Replace Fall Protection Lanyards?
Shock Absorber
A great many modern-day lanyards are equipped with a shock absorber. These are located at the end of the lanyard and will appear as nothing more than a scrunched-up area on the lanyard. This is in fact a fall arrest system designed to lesson the force of impact should a worker fall. The area inside the shock absorber will stretch out while slowing the victim's fall. These devices are very reliable and can help prevent serious injuries. They are, however, a single-use piece of equipment. If the shock absorber is ever used or extended, the lanyard must be removed from service and discarded. Continued use of a lanyard whose shock absorber has been extended will create a hazardous situation for the worker. The lanyard served its purpose, so discard it and replace it with a new lanyard.
Excessive Wear or Damage
Workers should inspect their lanyard at the beginning of each shift. While lanyards are sturdy pieces of equipment they are not immune from wear or damage. If the lanyard is beginning to fray or has excess wear in any area, it should be removed from service and replaced. If the lanyard becomes damaged in some way--a nick or rip--it must be removed from service. Never attempt to repair a lanyard. The lanyard was designed with strict guidelines and repairs will not meet those guidelines and may hinder or interfere with the lanyard's ability to protect a falling worker. While lanyards can be costly and it may seem a waste to throw out a nearly new lanyard due to a minor nick, the potential cost of a failed lanyard is too great to risk, both financially and certainly in the area of personal suffering possible for the worker.