MRI Safety Instructions
Dress Appropriately
When going in for an MRI, the first component of safety is to dress appropriately. Some MRI facilities will ask you to change your clothes and put on a hospital gown where others may allow you to keep your own clothing on. If you are wearing your own clothing, refrain from anything that has metal, such as underwire bras, zippers or belt buckles. Remove all jewelry, pocket change and eyeglasses. Do not wear any accessories in your hair, such as bobby pins or hair clips. You will also need to remove any body piercings such as earrings, tongue rings and eyebrow studs. If at all possible, don't wear any makeup when going in for an MRI since some makeup contains metal flakes and can distort images.
Consult Radiologist
There are certain things that can not be removed when going in for an MRI such as dental fillings, pacemakers or surgical staples. It is imperative to discuss any permanent metal components in your body with the radiologist before going in for your MRI. You should also mention any tattoos that you have since some tattoo ink may have metal substances in them. While most MRIs can be done with these items in place, your ability to enter the MRI with these will depend on the location of the diagnostic procedure and the strength of the MRI magnet.
Symptoms to Stop MRI
If there is any burning, stinging or tingling in a region where you have a metal implant, you should ask the MRI technician to stop immediately. If you have a fever, you should reschedule your MRI. Those with heart conditions should notify the radiologist to be monitored for any complications that may occur while in the MRI machine.