Swine Flu Prevention in the Workplace
Hand Washing
Several precautions can be taken in order to help prevent swine flu both at home and in the office. Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of infection. Hand washing should take place with soap and water. Rubbing the hands together vigorously for at least 20 seconds is recommended. Hand sanitizer can be used to clean hands when they are not visibly soiled. Remember to allow the hand sanitizer gel to air dry, so it can work. Wiping off the hand sanitizer with a cloth or towel does not allow the sanitizer to do its job properly.
Commonly Shared Items
Cubicles are confined work spaces that may be shared among coworkers. Before a person begins work she should disinfect the commonly used items that are not disposable such as the telephone, computer keyboard, stapler and other office supplies, desk, drawer handles and tables. Keeping items frequently used clean will help prevent the spread of the swine flu in the workplace. Avoid sharing equipment with ill coworkers when possible. If equipment must be shared, remember to clean the equipment with disinfectant before use in order to help eliminate germs found on the items
Cleaning with Disinfectant
Hard non-porous surfaces and commonly used items in the office can be wiped down with disinfectant wipes or by using a diluted bleach cleaning solution. Telephones, desk surfaces, filing cabinets, door knobs, and tables are only a few of the commonly used items that may be cleaned with disinfectant wipes or a diluted bleach solution. Disinfectant wipes should be used according to package directions to guarantee maximum results. A diluted bleach solution can be made by mixing up a 10:1 bleach solution that equals 10 parts water to 1 part bleach. When using a diluted bleach solution for disinfecting, it is recommended that the solution be sprayed or applied to the desired surface and allowed to set for approximately five minutes before wiping, so the bleach can kill germs found on the surfaces before being removed.
Flu Shots
Flu shots, both for the swine flu and seasonal flu, are available through a health care provider or pharmacy and are a great way to help prevent the spread of infection. Flu vaccinations infect the individual with a small amount of the flu virus, allowing the individual to naturally build up immunity to the flu, and this helps the individual's body fight the infection when the virus enter his body. Swine flu vaccination can have side effects that may be experienced by certain individuals. Contact a physician to discuss the risks and side effects before receiving the vaccine.
Sick Coworkers
Avoid coworkers who appear to have flu-like symptoms. Individuals should cough and sneeze into their elbow to prevent the spread of germs. Individuals should avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth, since these are the most common places for germs to enter the body. People with the flu should stay home from work until symptoms are gone.
Preventing the swine flu can be done in the workplace. By keeping the workplace clean, frequent hand washing, and receiving a flu shot an individual can help prevent the spread of the swine flu.