How to Stay Alert While Very Tired
This advice is a must-read for anyone in college. These steps to staying alert don't have to be taken in order. Regardless of whether or not you're in college, if you regularly need to stay alert while very tired, you'll find what works best for you by trying the methods listed here.Instructions
Drink caffeine. Coffee is great for a boost, but if you're concerned about going to the bathroom (scenario: you want to stay up to watch a movie or a play and you're facing a two-hour stretch in a theater), espresso is a fast, consequence-free boost.
Caffeine is especially critical if you want to stay awake and think clearly, simultaneously.
Make yourself (relatively) uncomfortable. Discomfort is the opposite of the cozy feeling of laying in bed. For example, if you're studying, don't allow yourself to lay on a pillow on the floor--force yourself to sit in a wooden chair at a desk.
Move around to increase your heart rate. Stand up and walk around--go to the bathroom and splash your face with water.
Noise makes it difficult to sleep. Talk to yourself or other people. Turn up the radio.
Take a nap, but don't nap too long. Power naps (15 to 20 minutes) are refreshing and rejuvenating. Napping when you're very tired allows you to think more clearly and feel less tired.
Don't concern yourself with finding a bed--if you can, lay down right where you are and set the alarm on your cell phone. It's best not to get too comfortable for your power nap--you're more likely to get back up and start moving when it's over.