Office Chair to Reduce Back Pain
The chair
If possible, choose an ergonomic office chair. Ergonomic chairs have supports that promote correct posture and take strain of the back when sitting. Ergonomic chairs only help if the chair is adjusted to the body properly. Check that the workstation where you will be sitting is adjusted to the correct working height.
To adjust the chair properly, you need to determine the relationship of the body to the workstation. Sit comfortably at the desk and rest your forearms on the desk. With the elbows bent, the arms should be at a 90 degree angle. Adjust the chair up or down if required. Check that your thighs are in the correct position by putting your fingers under the thigh at the front of the chair. If the fingers are too tight under the thigh find something to rest the feet on. You shoulder also be able to fit your fist behind the calf muscles. The lower back should be supported so that the buttocks are at the back of the chair and the lower back curves forward slightly.
If your chair is set up properly, you will have a reduction in back pain, but it is important to take further precautions. Static posture over the course of several hours can cause the back to seize. Get up once every half an hour to keep the back from seizing. If you have the time, do a few back and hamstring stretches to keep the muscles supple. This will also promote blood circulation. If you do not wish to get up, perform some stretches in your chair. Sit forward on the chair and, using your armrests, turn the body to one side while keeping the buttocks and legs static in the chair. This will stretch the lower back, arms and shoulders.