Cedar Oil Safety
Cedarwood oil is a thick, pale yellow liquid that smells strongly of the characteristic cedar aroma.
Cedarwood oil is slightly flammable, so never smoke around it or expose it to unnecessary heat.
The types of exposure include inhalation, ingestion, external contact and chronic exposure.
Cedar oil will cause irritation to the throat and stomach and may result in vomiting and diarrhea. Skin or eye contact will cause redness, swelling and pain. Chronic exposure results in the aforementioned effects being heightened and prolonged.
Get fresh air and seek medical attention if you have inhaled cedarwood oil. If you have ingested cedarwood oil, vomit immediately. If it touches your skin, you should wash the area vigorously with soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing.
Cedarwood oil should be stored in a dark area with good ventilation in a secured container. Do not re-use containers that have stored cedarwood oil.