Prevention of Workplace Spine Injuries
Prevent spine injuries by making the workplace back-friendly. Remove the potential of injury by storing heavy materials at a height that is easily managed by employees. Do not store heavy materials on high shelves or store materials in containers that are of awkward sizes or shapes. Use small containers for materials. Use mechanical lifting equipment if the workplace manufactures large products and reducing the size of the storage containers is not possible.
Provide employees with back belts to prevent injury. Back belts are elastic bands wrapped around the lower back to provide support during lifting procedures. Secure any materials that have to be at a height so that they will not fall on employees. Install non-slip mats on slippery floor surfaces so that employees do not fall while lifting materials.
Train employees to prevent spine injury through correct stretching and lifting practices. Stretching should be performed to prevent injuries like those performed before a workout. Train employees to perform lower back and hamstring stretches before beginning work. Provide your employees with strength-training programs through a local gym. Train your employees in first-aid techniques to help prevent further injury in the case of a workplace accident. Provide employees who have had a back injury rehabilitation to prevent injury in the future.