Safety Issues With ID Lanyards
ID lanyards are in use in many schools around the country, making students easily identifiable to faculty and staff members. Certain jobs may also require employees to wear ID lanyards for the same reasons.
The majority of safety concerns involving ID lanyards are due to the fact that the lanyard is quite long. It is designed to be long enough to display an identification badge on the front of a person's body while still hanging comfortably around a person's neck.
A common safety issue with certain types of ID lanyards is strangulation. If the lanyard does not have some kind of clip that easily separates the device from a person's neck it could potentially become caught on something, causing it to uncomfortably tighten around a person's neck.
A common safety issue with school students required to wear ID lanyards is privacy. The ID lanyard makes certain personal information including name, school and photograph easily accessible to anyone that looks at the lanyard.
Getting Caught
Another safety concern of an ID lanyard is that it could potentially get caught in some kind of machine like a press or door, pulling the wearer dangerously close to the machine in the process.