Safe Box Opening Procedures
Glue & Staples
Once you have the box in place, preferably on a flat and stable surface to prevent the box or the contents from shifting, inspect the box. Some boxes are sealed by a layer (or layers) of packing tape, metal staples, or strong adhesive. For glued or stapled box tops, pull up one corner up and allow for a better hold. It can be difficult to pull open the lid, so begin by using one hand to pull on the flap and the other hand to hold the box in place. Take a few hard tugs to release the glue. If it's stapled, be careful, as the freed end of the staple will now be jutting out. Staples can easily cut skin, so if possible use a pair of pliers or wear a protective work glove and completely remove the staple. Once done, discard it. Continue opening the box, and take out the packaging before the contents.
Using the Blade
If the box is taped shut, the flats usually are taped and reinforced with tape around the edges. Take out your box cutter, knife, or other cutting tool. Be wary of using fully open scissors, as you must grip one of the blades to use this method effectively, which increases the chances of having an accident. Grip your cutter or knife and slice into the tape, starting at the point away from you. Slowly pull the blade toward you, slicing the tape as you go. This will help you control the knife, compared with cutting away from you, which gives you less control. Cut the sides of the flaps in the same manner. Once all the sides are cut and are freely movable, set the blade down and remove the packing material before removing the contents.