The Advantages of Leather Fire Boots
Fire fighter safety.
The role of a firefighter has changed dramatically over the years. No longer strictly responsible for fire suppression, these men and women respond to situations ranging from medical emergencies to chemical spills. Rubber boots became part of their standard equipment due to the risks presented by any number of harmful substances they could encounter on the job. Many fire departments began to mistakenly believe that rubber fire boots offered more protection and lasted longer than leather. Leather fire boots are safer and do not have to be replaced as often as rubber fire boots.
Advantages of leather fire boots include a better fit, resulting in the overall increase in comfort and fewer blisters. They provide better support for the arch, heel and ankle of the firefighter. They also provide him with a better grip on ladders, stairs and roofs. According to the NFPA, leather fire boots weigh three pounds less than rubber fire boots. The excess weight of rubber fire boots leads to stress on the lower body and fatigue.
Firefighters who wear leather fire boots expend far less energy through movement and do not breathe as heavily as firefighters wearing rubber fire boots. This results in better endurance, less frequent need to relieve a firefighter and fewer self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) tank changes. Greater endurance among firefighters is especially helpful in wildfire fighting and in overall prevention of injuries and deaths.
A study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) suggests that the advantages of leather fire boots go far beyond comfort. Unlike rubber fire boots, leather fire boots do not limit the movement of the feet, ankles, knees or hips and the firefighter has a better sense of her footing. These factors are important to her ability to maintain her balance while performing duties in precarious situations and positions. Firefighters who wear leather fire boots experience fewer injuries to lower extremities.
W.L. Gore and Associates, the makers of Goretex and other materials used by emergency response agencies, conducted a study to determine whether leather fire boots were able to be decontaminated. It had been widely believed that leather fire boots could not be decontaminated. The study found that after decontamination, the leather fire boots had significantly less residual contamination than the rubber fire boots did. A firefighter who continues to be in doubt, but wishes to enjoy the advantages of leather fire boots, can purchase a set of slip on rubber boot covers for his leather boots or have a pair of rubber boots available for situations when contamination is a concern. Properly decontaminating leather fire boots ensures their longevity.