Office Health & Safety Checklist

An office should be a safe workspace for employees and clients. In order to create such an environment, develop a health and safety checklist so you can make sure that you have taken the proper measures to implement a safety plan and demonstrate a general concern for the well being of those who work for you.
  1. Fire Safety

    • One of the most common instances of crisis in a public place is the breakout of a fire. Although, the majority of the time, these fires produce little to no damage, you must still have a well-thought-out plan of action should the situation occur. First, start by installing reliable fire-detection alarms throughout the building. Devise a system of building evacuation, including the best possible routes for every area of the building. Draw up maps of the evacuation routes to be posted on prominent walls. Review legal codes for fire safety and make sure the layout of your building meets these codes. You may even install a sprinkler system to squelch initial flames.

    Occupational Safety

    • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA is the governing force of workplace health regulations under the U.S. Department of Labor. This organization has set up a system of required standards regarding safe handling of hazardous materials, safe procedures for employees to follow, and proper treatment of employees, on health-related issues. Add to your checklist a purchasing and displaying of the OSHA regulations that apply to your state. Hang them in the break room or other area where employees frequent. Make sure every employee has a copy of these standards as part of their training

    Safety Devices

    • Finally, there are a variety of devices you can install to protect the safety of your employees from third-party threats. These measures include security cameras, metal detectors, the requirement of identification badges for entry, security guards, bullet-proof glass, key-coded doors and even a property search upon entry. Of course, all of these suggestions will depend on the particular threat that applies to your workplace. You can pick and choose which elements to add to your check list, that will best protect your employees without being overly intrusive.

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