How to Prevent the Flu in the Workplace
See your doctor every year for a flu vaccination. While it may not protect you from every strain of the virus, the vaccination will lessen symptoms. It is very important to be vaccinated if you have chronic health problems, are pregnant or are over 65 years old.
Avoid co-workers with flu symptoms. Steer clear of anyone who is coughing or sneezing or complaining of congestion or fever.
Encourage sick employees to stay home when they are ill. The loss of productivity from one person staying home is much less than if the entire office gets sick.
Wash your hands often. You are most likely to introduce flu germs to your body through your hands. Wash before meals, after blowing your nose and every hour or so in general.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Germs can be spread from contaminated surfaces to your hands. When you touch your face, you introduce germs to a warm, moist environment, where they thrive.
Clean your work area daily with an antibacterial cleaner. Pay special attention to your computer keyboard, telephone and any other surface that may be used by others. Keep a pen with you so that you aren't using one that a sick co-worker may have touched.
Maintain healthy habits. Get plenty of sleep, drink lots of fluids, exercise and minimize your stress level. These habits may keep you from getting sick or at least help your body heal faster if you do contract the flu.