Fire Safety Tips for the Workplace
Fire Prevention
It is important that workers be educated in locating possible fire hazards and where to report such hazards. Reporting of such things as overloaded electrical sockets and improperly contained flammable materials must be maintained as the responsibility of every employee. Further, adherence to following safety procedures within the workplace is essential to preventing fires. It is imperative that if you see any possible fire hazard you immediately notify a manager. Always follow up and make sure issues are dealt with promptly and adequately. Never assume something is safe as your life may very well rest on that assumption.
Fire Response
In the case of a fire there is a clear procedure that must be followed in order to maintain safety and stop the fire. Above all, it is imperative that you do not lose control of the situation. While a fire is certainly a scary thing and never something to be taken lightly, it is also something that can be controlled and extinguished. Firstly, it is important you do not attempt to handle the situation alone. If something happens to you, there will be no one to aid you or continue efforts to contain the fire. Ensure that at least one other person knows of the situation. If you are unsure whether the fire may be extinguished by a fire extinguisher, then get someone who does know. Never take chances when dealing with a fire. If the fire is large then it is imperative that someone hit the fire alarm, if available, and call 911 immediately. It is also important that all fire exits be clearly lit and known by all workers. Further, a fire exit should never be blocked. This is not only bad safety practice but against the law as well as per OSHA regulations. Finally, keep your calm and exit in a quick yet controlled manner. Pushing and shoving your way out of a fire is not only extremely dangerous but incredibly selfish.
Fire Education
Proper response to fire in the workplace is a very basic safety concern that should be covered with all new employees and reviewed periodically to ensure a safe working environment. It is imperative that some sort of training material whether purchased or made in house is available to employees and that they are allowed access to any and all fire safety information upon request. While many employers may see this as a great cost for training, it is in no way equivocal to the value of human life. As an employee, it is important you not only know all safety procedures outlined by your employer but also follow them. It is important employees realize that cutting corners with safety may not have consequences the first or second time you cut a corner, but eventually it will have consequences that are dire and may lead to the loss of your own or a co-worker's life.