Importance of Safety Goggles
Types Of Injuries
The most common eye injury is from small particles entering the eye. These can be in the form of dust, glass, metal shavings or wood splinters. These items can be propelled into the eye by machinery, tools or wind. The vast majority of these injuries are preventable with the use of standard safety goggles.
Specialized Work Areas
Another leading cause of injury is UV radiation burns. These result from a welding arc and can affect the welder and anyone working in the immediate area. These thermal burns can be very serious and workers in these areas should wear the appropriate safety goggles as prevention.
Other Health Risks
In addition to actual injuries to the eye and eye socket, many workers are also exposed to other risks as well. Workers in the health industry risk exposure to various types of infectious diseases through ocular exposure. In more severe cases, this exposure can result in life-threatening situations.
Types Of Eye Protection
There are many types of safety goggles and each provides protection in various manners. Eye protection can be either prescription or non-prescription without affecting its ability to protect the user. Standard goggles wrap around the eye and prevent foreign objects from entering at any angle. Some goggles will be solid to prevent exposure to liquid or infectious materials. Other goggles will be vented on the sides to allow more air flow. You should choose the type of goggle that fits your work environment.
Additonal Eye Protection
In addition to goggles, some situations will require full-face protection. This can be accomplished by the use of a face shield or a full-face shield respirator. These offer additional eye protection as well as protection from infectious material entering the nose or mouth. Many health-care workers will wear a combination of goggles and face shield. This is also common with welders who will wear goggles beneath their welding helmets.