About Sound Level Meters
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) uses three kinds of sound level meters to measure how much noise a worker is exposed to during his working hours. These three meters are the sound level meter, the dosimeter and the octave band analyzer. Musicians and recording artists use a variant on these meters called a decibel meter, which measures volume, or loudness.
Sound Level Meter
The sound level meter is the most common device used to measure overall workplace noise by OSHA. It is calibrated to take readings of the average noise levels in plants or factories or on construction sites, measuring from silence. The sound level meter is generally placed in a central location at a worksite to collect data, which is then analyzed to determine average, lowest and highest noise levels during a given work period. Data from sound level meters can be used to determine proper hearing protection for employees, design sound-proof or sound-absorbing materials and position them correctly to absorb sound, and to measure the effect of sound on the general population, which can also lead to reduction or absorption measures.
Noise Dosimeter
The noise dosimeter is similar to sound level meters, but instead of being positioned in one place, it is worn by individual employees. Employees wear the dosimeter throughout their shifts, and the dosimeter collects information about how, when and how much noise they are exposed to during a typical work day. A dosimeter can calculate on the spot whether an employee is nearing or over the OSHA limits for noise doses in a day or over longer periods of time. Dosimeter data is used to determine hearing protection for workers, schedule work in noisy areas in ways that are safer for employees, and design sound absorption materials and determine their placement.
Octave Band Analyzer
The octave band analyzer breaks down readings of noise into frequencies and measures what frequencies occur when and for how long. This information is then used in conjunction with data from a noise dosimeter to help determine what kind of hearing protection an employee needs. An octave band analyzer also helps in the positioning and calibration of instruments sensitive to certain frequencies.
Decibel Meter
A decibel meter measures the volume of sound. It is used to capture the loudness of rock concerts, so that the technicians can keep the sound within healthy and safe limits for the audience and players. It is also used in the construction and fine tuning of concert venues by recording the volume of instruments playing plus the resonance from the walls and movable panels, like those used in classical concerts. A decibel meter can be used to check the loudness of stereos and speakers for the fine-tuning of those components.