How to Deal With an Armed Robber

Whether it happens on the street or at work, an armed robber is a horrific encounter. Handling such an encounter isn't natural and the human mind often reacts in ways that endanger the lives of those involved. Planning for an armed robber saves lives.


    • 1

      Be passive and cooperate immediately to help set the robber at ease. Move only when told to do so. Most situations are resolved without harm if the robber doesn't feel threatened.

    • 2

      Consider any weapon produced or implied to be real and loaded. Assume the person is capable and willing to use violence to attain his goal and act accordingly.

    • 3

      Inform the armed robber of any situation that might surprise him, such as a coworker returning from lunch. Alert the assailant if you must move in any way. Fast movements or surprises quickly escalate a situation.

    • 4

      Follow the robber's commands and refrain from offering additional information and help. The longer a robbery takes the higher the chance of violence.

    • 5

      Give the robber exactly what they ask for, be it a specific dollar amount, items or jewelry. Follow directions carefully and continue to let the robber know what you're doing as you move.

    • 6

      Observe and take mental notes of physical characteristics, clothing, accent and any other details that catch your attention. Write everything down as quickly as possible when the situation is over.

    • 7

      Contact the authorities as soon as it's safe to do so. Don't follow the robber or go outside until the police have arrived and the area is secure.

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