How to Deal With an Armed Robber
Be passive and cooperate immediately to help set the robber at ease. Move only when told to do so. Most situations are resolved without harm if the robber doesn't feel threatened.
Consider any weapon produced or implied to be real and loaded. Assume the person is capable and willing to use violence to attain his goal and act accordingly.
Inform the armed robber of any situation that might surprise him, such as a coworker returning from lunch. Alert the assailant if you must move in any way. Fast movements or surprises quickly escalate a situation.
Follow the robber's commands and refrain from offering additional information and help. The longer a robbery takes the higher the chance of violence.
Give the robber exactly what they ask for, be it a specific dollar amount, items or jewelry. Follow directions carefully and continue to let the robber know what you're doing as you move.
Observe and take mental notes of physical characteristics, clothing, accent and any other details that catch your attention. Write everything down as quickly as possible when the situation is over.
Contact the authorities as soon as it's safe to do so. Don't follow the robber or go outside until the police have arrived and the area is secure.