How to Avoid Health Issues While Using a Computer
The following are simple steps you can take to ensure proper and safe computer use.
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Chair
- Keyboard
- Mouse with mouse pad
Check the height of your desk for proper monitor placement. Your monitor should be at a height that avoids eyestrain. It should also not be set too close or far away, or too high or low. Try various positions until you find the one that works best for you.
Check your chair next. If you spend a lot of time in it, you should be sure it is comfortable and safe. The height should allow you to have both feet comfortably on the floor in front of you. It is suggested that you use a chair that provides the proper back support also. If you have armrests on your chair, check that they are set to allow your arms to rest on them naturally when you are using the keyboard.
Your keyboard should also be a safe (health conscious) height that is easily accessible. Your arms should bend at the elbow, and extend over the keyboard. You should be able to freely move over the keys.
The mouse pad you use should be within easy reach of the keyboard. You have a lot of options when it comes to getting mouse pads. The mouse should have plenty of room to move quickly in all directions.
When you are setting up your computer area, place all items that will be used often close by. This includes scanners, copiers, printers and so forth.