How to Buy an Emergency Eyewash Station
Read the OHSA regulations regarding emergency eyewash stations. It is possible to receive a citation from OSHA if your garage or construction company does not have an emergency eyewash station on the premises, especially if you have any employees.
Go to your local construction supply store and look in the first aid and safety section. There you would also find gloves, masks and earplugs.
Look online at Next Tag and check out their recommendations, reviews and prices for Emergency Eyewash Stations.
Check out what online retailers have to offer. First Aid and the Safety Company are two retailers that have emergency eyewash stations.
Explore auto supply stores for emergency eyewash stations. You'll find a variety of these station at auto supply stores because they sell auto supplies to car repair shops. Workers in garages are frequently exposed to solvents that get in their eyes.
Visit industrial supply companies like Grainger or K. L. Jack. At retailers like these, you will be able to find a variety of emergency eyewash stations.
Contact medical supply companies. You may be able to find some by looking in the phone book, or by going online. Medical supply companies carry emergency eyewash stations and other safety supplies.