Checklist for Dispatchers During an Accident
9-1-1 Calls
Determine the nature of the emergency call. Obtain the exact location of the accident and that of the caller. Ask whether the victims are injured, and if so, get the number and inquire how serious the injuries are to determine extent of emergency medical supplies and emergency medical personnel required to handle the incident.
Police Calls
Obtain the information on the time of the accident and note whether the incident is still in progress. Inquire if there were any weapons involved, and if so, get the necessary information on the same. If a vehicle is involved, obtain the model and registration number. In cases where the caller has some information on who caused the accident, ask for a description of the suspect and try to get as much information as possible. Ask for the information on race, sex, age, height, build, hair color, hair length, hair style, eye color, visible deformities and other identifying marks such as tattoos and clothing. Take note of the callers' contact information and get the contact for the station the caller is using.
Fire Calls
Take note of the location of the accident. Obtain information on the nature of the incident, such as rescue, fire or hazardous material spills. Ask the caller whether he is seeing smoke or flames. Inquire whether there is someone injured and, if so, obtain information on how serious the injuries are.
Ambulance Calls
Obtain the exact location of the accident. Inquire on the nature of the incident if it is fall, heart attack, motor vehicle accident, plane accident, train accident or any other. Determine whether the person is conscious, responsive to questions or breathing. Ask the caller whether the victim is wearing a medical alert bracelet and if yes, ask what it says. Finally, obtain information on the number and age of the patients.