Bariatric Diet Foods
For one week immediately following surgery, a patient can only consume liquids. The stomach is very sensitive after surgery, so excess pressure will cause problems. Patients are advised to drink water, broth and nutritious juices during the week-long period. It's important that patients sip these liquids and not gulp them. Nutritional shakes work well because they will put an adequate amount of calories into the system.
Pureed Foods
Once the first week after surgery ends, the patient can transition into pureed foods. Yogurt, cheese and eggs are highly recommended because they are high in protein. Every food item that is consumed during the second week after surgery has to be pureed in a blender so there aren't any chunks. The stomach is still very sensitive to pressure during this time, so solid, unblended foods are not allowed.
Soft Foods
Once the second week of the bariatric diet has ended, patients can begin to eat soft, chewable foods. Cottage cheese, canned fruits, rice and pasta are examples of foods that are soft, but still have to be chewed. If the patient decides to eat something tougher, like meat, they must first puree it in a blender.
Solid Foods
During this last stage, a patient can finally begin to eat solid foods. It's important for patients to continue to eat foods that are low in sugar, as well as low in fat. Fruits, vegetables and fish are all acceptable foods. Bariatric surgery helps people to feel fuller faster, but if patients continue to eat fatty foods even after feeling full, they will begin to gain weight again. It is recommended that a bariatric patient only eat 1,400 calories a day.