Risks of Pregnancy After Gastric Bypass
The Best Time To Conceive
Every medical source agrees that the safest time to conceive post gastric bypass surgery is after attaining your goal weight. For most, this milestone will take 12 to 18 months. During that time your bariatric surgeon and nutritionist are keeping a close eye on your weight and progress; they will let you know when you have reached a healthy weight. If you are planning on having children after surgery you should let you doctor know that from the beginning. If you become pregnant shortly after surgery immediate medical care is necessary. The risks of getting pregnant too soon after surgery include restricted fetal growth and fetal nutrient deprivation. The first year after surgery your body is still rapidly losing weight, you are on a restricted diet, your body is learning how to process enough nutrients to support its self, and your body is in no condition to try to support a growing fetus. If the body can't adequately support the nutritional demands of a fetus; the risk for fetal malnutrition, miscarriage, premature delivery or low birth weight increases.
Even when waiting 12 to 18 months post surgery there is a risk of vitamin deficiency for both mother and her growing baby. After gastric bypass surgery it's easy to become deficient in iron and other major nutrients; this increases the risk for a deficiency during pregnancy for women having had surgery. During pregnancy after surgery, supplements may not be enough; shots or infusions of certain nutrients may be necessary. Regular blood screenings are done to check nutrient levels; this is something that must be watched very closely. Nutrient deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects, abnormal fetal growth, low birth weight, miscarriage and premature birth.
Fetal Growth Restriction
Fetal growth restriction is probably the most serious of risks during a pregnancy post gastric bypass surgery. Also known as IUGR, it is directly linked to the fetus not getting enough nutrients to ensure healthy growth in the womb. Fetal growth restriction usually results in miscarriage or still birth. A study done in Sweden in 1998 found that 40 percent of still births were caused by IUGR. Babies that do survive to be born can have decreased function of their bones, muscles, lungs, kidneys, or digestive tract.
Although some bleeding or spotting is normal during pregnancy; because of the increased risks involved with pregnancy after surgery; any spotting or bleeding requires immediate medical attention. The risks of a post surgery pregnancy all have the potential for the worst outcome being miscarriage or pre-term labor; both are causes for bleeding or spotting. Immediate medical treatment is necessary to determine the cause of the bleeding and to stop it if possible.
Your chances of experiencing these risks during pregnancy can be greatly decreased if you:
1. Make sure to use contraceptives after surgery until you have reached your goal weight.
2. Meet with an OBGYN for a pre-pregnancy consultation so you and your doctor are prepared to ensure the healthiest pregnancy possible.
3. Meet with a nutritionist to start regular blood screenings, nutritional supplements, and a pregnancy diet; even before conceiving if possible.Healthy babies are born everyday to mothers that have had gastric bypass surgery. Knowing the risks and how to overcome them will make for a less stressful pregnancy with the best possible outcome.