Lap-Band & Flatulence
Flatulence is caused by the accumulation of gases inside our bodies. This is one of the uncommon and rare side effects produced by the Lap-Band, according to the Lap-Band System official website. These days, doctors tend to “pump” the patient with air while operating. This results in an abundant quantity of gases inside the patient.
The Lap-Band prevents you from expelling air in the form of a burp. However, your body needs to expel those gases one way or the other, since keeping them inside would be hazardous to your health.
Flatulence can become a very delicate issue if it doesn't stop. According to patients' testimonials on the Lap-Band website, they have spent 20 minutes—in some cases—in the bathroom expelling gases and liquid. This can be dangerous because it can lead to dehydration and death from the depletion of body fluids.
Eating slowly prevents people from swallowing more air. According to the Lap-Band website, patients should avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and NSAIDS. Nevertheless, the use of medical pills (like DeMylanta), is an alternative option which works very well; however, before you take any decision, consult a physician first. Do not self-medicate.
According to Dr. Santiago Horgan, from the University of California, patients should avoid hearty meals that include large portions of beef or heavy vegetables. Lentils, beans and fizzy drinks are also major factors in the production of gases. Care should be taken when consuming them. Thin liquids are incredibly important and should be abundant in the patient’s diet. Skim milk, fruit juice, soups and broths are great choices. Horgan also recommends mashed potatoes and pears.