Alternative to Lap Band Procedures
The REALIZE band is a similar technique to the lap band with a few differences in the construction of the devices. Development of the REALIZE band occurred in Sweden eight years before the lap band. The REALIZE band-C is meant to be used on larger patients.
Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass involves stapling the stomach to a make a smaller pouch. The intestines are bypassed so less calories and nutrients are absorbed. This surgery is minimally invasive but is difficult to reverse.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery is when a portion of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a much smaller area. Cravings are reduced since glands that produce hunger hormones are removed. A strict diet needs to be followed to avoid stretching out the stomach.
Duodenal Switch
The duodenal switch reduces the stomach size and reroutes the small intestine to reduce caloric absorption. However, vitamin supplements are needed since nutrition levels are decreased. According to, there are high complications and difficulties finding qualified surgeons with this procedure.
Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
With the vertical banded gastroplasty, the stomach is divided into two sections by staples. Food space is restricted at the top by a small opening which lets food into the bottom. The slower food process creates a full feeling. The American Medical Association states that one out of one hundred patients die within 12 months of having the procedure.