Lap Band Rules
Pre-surgical mental and emotional preparation
Lap-Band patients must undergo psychological evaluations to ensure that they are competent enough to handle the pressures of surgery and have no untreated psychological issues that could interfere with their fitness goals. Patients must also demonstrate that they are capable of dealing with the stress that can arise after Lap-Band surgery.
Lifestyle Changes
Patients may be required to start a fitness routine and begin dieting before the surgery in order to prepare for the lifestyle changes they will have to make after the surgery. In some cases, your doctor may require you to lose some weight before the surgery to make your recovery period easier.
Following surgery, you will have to adhere to a strict diet. For the first 3 to 5 days, only liquids are allowed. During the next few weeks, the patient may gradually add soft or pureed foods. A high-protein diet is recommended. Patients are advised to avoid fruit and vegetable skins and seeds, fried foods, spicy foods and some dairy. Eating the wrong foods or eating too much may cause nausea or vomiting. Eat only when you are hungry and no more than three small meals a day. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Drink plenty of water, but avoid drinking during or immediately after meals, as liquid may reduce the Lap-Band's effectiveness.
Physical exercise is an important part of any health and wellness program. Exercise may be difficult and uncomfortable immediately following surgery. Patients are advised to walk as much as is comfortable. Exercising too strenuously after weight-loss surgery can increase the risk of hernia (weight loss surgery channel), so take it slowly at first, and talk to your doctor about developing an appropriate fitness regime.
Follow-up and Adjustments
It is important to keep regular follow-up appointments with your doctor to monitor your progress. Adjustments to your band may be made during these visits, during which your doctor will use the band's access port to inject or remove saline from the band. According to, most patients will need 5 to 8 adjustments during the first year after surgery.