Post-Bariatric Diet
Liquid Diet
The first couple days after bariatric surgery, the patient will be put on a liquid and semi-solid diet. This diet will include milk, broth, juice (without added sugar) and sugar-free gelatin.
Drink up to three ounces at one time. Drinking too much can stretch the stomach and cause the staples to come undone.
Pureed Foods
According to the Mayo Clinic, once liquids and semi-solids are tolerated well, pureed foods can be introduced. When grinding up foods, try to create a paste-like texture, which is easier to digest. Beans, fish, egg whites, soft vegetables, fruits and beans are good choices.
The pureed foods can be mixed with a little milk or water to create the right consistency. This phase lasts up to four weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Spicy foods should be avoided during this time.
Soft Foods
Once pureed foods have been tolerated for a few weeks, a doctor may recommend the introduction of soft foods. Choose meats that are ground up well, soft fruits and cooked vegetables. Chew your food very well to make the digestion process easier.
Solid Foods
Soft foods are usually consumed for eight weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Once these foods are tolerated well, it's time to introduce solid foods. During this phase, nuts, popcorn, granola and other crunch foods should be avoided.
Introduce one new food at a time. This way, if you experience stomach irritation, the food causing the issue can be isolated.
Vitamin Supplementation
According to the Mayo Clinic, after bariatric surgery the body has a difficult time absorbing nutrients. Talk with your doctor about taking a multivitamin to prevent vitamin deficiencies. A calcium supplement may also be needed.
Long-Term Diet Changes
According to the Mayo Clinic, bariatric surgery patients need to make long-term diet changes. Eat low-calorie and low-fat foods and reduce unplanned snacking. Also, take 30 minutes to eat meals and don't eat large portion sizes. It's also important to exercise regularly to avoid regaining weight.
When drinking, slowly sip instead of taking large gulps of fluids. Strive to consume 48 to 64 ounces of fluids (water or low-calorie beverages) each day.