What exactly is a bariatrcic surgery sleeve?

Bariatric sleeve gastrectomy, also known as sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve, is a surgical weight loss procedure in which a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a narrow sleeve that connects the esophagus to the small intestine. This restrictive procedure limits food intake and helps patients to feel full sooner and longer, leading to weight loss.

Sleeve gastrectomy is typically performed laparoscopically, using small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon will first remove the greater curvature of the stomach, leaving behind a narrow sleeve that is about the size of a banana. The remaining stomach is then stapled closed.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a major surgery and carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, and blood clots. However, it is generally considered to be a safe and effective procedure for long-term weight loss.

Benefits of sleeve gastrectomy:

* Restricts food intake

* Helps patients to feel full sooner and longer

* Can lead to significant weight loss

* Is typically performed laparoscopically, with minimal scarring

* Has a relatively low risk of complications

Risks of sleeve gastrectomy:

* Bleeding

* Infection

* Blood clots

* Leakage from the staple line

* Stenosis (narrowing) of the sleeve

Sleeve gastrectomy is not a cure for obesity. It is a tool to help patients lose weight and improve their health. In order to maintain long-term weight loss, patients must follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

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