Dehydration After Bariatric Surgery
Dehydration is a common symptom after having bariatric surgery. It occurs because the person is not drinking enough fluids.
Nausea and Vomiting
Dehydration can lead to nausea and vomiting. Persistent vomiting can also cause an electrolyte imbalance and vitamin deficiency.
Symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, dizziness, dark colored urine, low back pain and a white coating on the tongue.
Side Effects
Dehydration can cause bladder and kidney infections. Blood work might be used to determine the severity of dehydration. Hospitalization may be required.
Fluids and Ice
After bariatric surgery, patients should drink at least 64 ounces of fluid a day. If the person is too nauseous to drink, sucking on ice chips should be substituted.