Post Bariatric Surgery Activity Guidelines
There are several types of bariatric surgery ranging from the lap band procedure to gastric bypass. According to Your Bariatric Surgery Guide, each type of surgery has different guidelines, and recovery time varies. Going along with bariatric surgery, cosmetic procedures and long-term care are things you may consider to maximize the results of your type of weight-loss surgery.
General Activity
After bariatric surgery, it will take several days to recover enough to leave the hospital, warns Bariatic Edge. Even while still admitted to a medical center, doctors will encourage you to walk around to get the blood flowing throughout your body. To resume regular daily activities, account for the nature of your surgery and your overall health. General activities will gradually be added to the guidelines your doctor provides.
Physical Activity
Once you are released from the hospital, it is important to slowly begin to add an exercise program into your daily routine. The South Mississippi Surgical Weight Loss Center recommends starting off small by taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking your car further away from your destination. For 6 to 12 weeks after the bariatric surgery, Holy Cross Hospital says not to lift more than 10 lbs., due to your body still healing. Examples of recommended exercises are walking, bicycling, swimming, using the elliptical trainer, and any other exercise that you can gradually add to your life.
Time Frame
For the most serious weight-loss surgeries, it may take eight weeks before you can fully get back to the level you were at pre-operation, says Your Bariatric Surgery Guide. It is important to gradually reintroduce the activity level you are accustomed to, without overwhelming your body. Depending on the nature of your work, you may be able to resume part-time job duties within two to three weeks after the surgery.
Gradually, adding cardiovascular exercises is encouraged, because they help you lose weight faster. Exercise is essential to lasting weight loss and for the ultimate success of your weight-loss surgery. Those who follow the guidelines put forth by the physicians and exercise should expect to lose 50 percent to 60 percent of their excess weight within two years of their surgery, says the Mayo Clinic. Because of that, focusing on physical activity and not aggravating your body's health after your surgery are important to your eventual success.