Alternatives to Stomach Stapling
Lap-Band Surgery
Lap-Band surgery is another type of bariatric surgery, however it is less invasive, can be performed laparascopically, requires no cutting of the abdomen and has fewer post-operative complications.
During the procedure, the surgeon creates a pouch in the upper portion of the stomach using only a silicone band filled with saline. This is what makes Lap-Band different; the band allows the doctor to fill or deflate the band to meet your weight loss needs. If you need to lose more weight, he can fill the band to close the opening of your pouch, allowing less food to pass; if you need to eat more, he can loosen the band by deflating the band, allowing more food to pass through.
Another plus to this procedure is that it's reversible. Although it's meant to be permanent, the band can be removed if you so choose. The same cannot be said for stomach stapling.
Medifast is a meal replacement program which is ideal for those who need to lose a substantial amount of weight. There is no counting of carbs, fat or calories. You simply eat or drink a meal six times a day.
The company requires you to purchase your meals from it, and its main program is called, "5 plus 1." This means you eat or drink five Medifast shakes/meals a day along with one meal of your own: "lean and green." This consists of lean meat and a green salad. The Medifast meal choices are kept simple; shakes, puddings, eggs, oatmeal, soup, chili and snack bars.
The plan works by providing high protein, low carb meals which are also low in calories; 800 to 1,000 a day. You can expect to lose two to five pounds a week on the plan, however results will vary according to the amount of weight you need to lose and the amount of exercise you participate in.
After meeting your weight loss goals, you will go on the "transition to maintenance" diet for four to 16 weeks. During this time you will begin to gradually introduce high-carbohydrate fruits and veggies, low-fat dairy, grains and meats back into your diet. Support can be found online through the Medifast website once you have signed up for the plan.
Large Volume Liposuction
Unlike traditional liposuction, which is used to reduce fat in a localized area of the body, large volume liposuction is used in at least five areas of the body to help reduce the amount of body fat. It is designed for those who are considered morbidly obese, or 30 to 40 pounds overweight, and can be used on the stomach, back, neck, arms, hips, thighs, saddlebags, breasts and thighs.
During the procedure the doctor uses a vacuum-like device to suction fat cells out of specific areas of your body. Due to the amount of fat being removed, this type of liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia and many patients are required to spend at least one night in the hospital.
There are limitations on the amount of fat which can be safely removed during one session, generally 10 to 15 pounds, therefore it may take more than one session to achieve the results and weight loss you desire. Your results are immediate, though swelling and bruising are common side effects and can last for days to three months, depending on the person.
This is a procedure which produces permanent results; once the fat cells are removed, they are gone for good. However it is still possible to gain weight in various areas of your body where fat cells still exist. This is why it is imperative to eat healthy and exercise after your procedure to maintain your weight loss and new, sculpted body.