What is the Bariatrics Weight Loss Program?
Any person who undergoes bariatric surgery realizes that it is a significant decision. It will forever change the life of that person, who will have to follow careful instructions in order for the surgery to work correctly over the long term. Each year, the number of bariatric surgeries rise, and the success stories astound even the most cynical critics, according to BariatricEdge. Those people who undergo the procedures need to diet, exercise, and go to follow-up appointments, and many go to support groups for help during the transition process.
After a weight-loss procedure is complete, you will need to allow time for recovery, which can take several days to well more than a week, says the Mayo Clinic. Once you go home, the doctor will give you a list of foods and liquids that you can consume as your body adapts to the change of having a substantially smaller stomach. Also included, are exercise and physical-activity tips and information about support groups. Those who have undergone bariatric surgery often find it helpful to talk with other people going through the same process that they are.
Time Frame
The time frame for weight loss can vary, depending on how much a person weighs. According to BariatricEdge, most experts agree that 50 to 75 percent of excess weight on a person can be lost in 12 to 18 months. For the first few weeks, a person will be on a strict liquid diet, followed by a puree food diet, and then finally the reintroduction of solid foods. This whole process can take several months and varies by patient. Doctors recommend, for maximum results, that those who have bariatric surgery to begin an exercise program and gradually increase it, along with following the diet. This will help a person lose more weight in a shorter period of time.
In order to acheive the success that you desire, you must be willing to follow the instructions that the medical professionals working with you give you. According to DocShop, there are people who have complications from their surgery, by not following the specifics of the bariatric weight-loss plan. Eating solid foods too early, not keeping your body hydrated and filling your stomach up can lead to your surgery failing. The lap-band or the stomach staple can break, causing you to have to undergo emergency surgery. For the first few months, following directions is crucial to your lasting success.
Effects of a bariatrics weight-loss program will begin to be felt almost immediately. If a person suffers from weight-related ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and arthritis, then they will notice their symptoms gradually improve as the weight is lost. Many people report that after a sustained weight-loss period, their medical problems disappear. Bariatric surgery can have a profound positive effect on an overweight person, provided that they put forth the effort to succeed and follow the tips put forth by medical professionals.