Eating After a Lap Band Procedure
Immediately After Surgery
In order to give the body and the stomach the best chance to heal, a physician will recommend a liquid diet for the 2 weeks following surgery. This will include clear broths, milk, Jell-O, soft fruits and, in some instances, pureed vegetables.
Four to Six Weeks Post-Op
After evaluation by a bariatric surgeon, the patient may be allowed to begin eating small, more regular meals. These should consist of low-fat proteins, such as chicken, turkey, fish or eggs; fruits and vegetables; whole grains; low-fat or fat-free dairy products; and healthy fats, such as olive oil.
Restricted Foods
As the postsurgery patient can only consume small amounts of food, it is important that those foods pack the nutritional punch necessary to facilitate weight loss. Therefore, foods with little nutritional value should not be consumed, such as:
• foods high in sugar, such as cookies, cakes, ice cream or syrups
• foods high in saturated fat, such as bacon, fried foods, cream sauces and sausage
• foods high in starch, such as white-flour foods including pasta, white rice and white bread
• carbonated beverages, such as colas and champagne, which can cause the stomach to expand, resulting in pain, nausea or vomiting
• high-fiber foods that may expand the stomach, such as dried fruit, sweet potatoes or asparagus; and
• foods that contain seeds, such as nuts, popcorn, bell peppers or raspberries.
Changes to How You Eat
In addition to the foods you eat, it may be necessary to change how you eat. First things first, you should eat only three small meals a day, according to the Lap-Band website. Next, be sure to thoroughly chew your food: chew at least 15 to 20 times before swallowing so the food is the proper texture to flow through the Lap-Band-adjusted pouch.
Because you will feel fuller more easily, it is important not to drink 30 minutes before, during or 30 minutes after you eat. You should, however, be sure to drink plenty of water and other noncarbonated liquids every day.