About Lap Band Weight Loss Results
Weight Loss
The amount of weight that can be lost through Lap-Band surgery varies for each patient. Overall, the average is about 1 1/2 to 2 lb. lost each week after the surgery. This can fluctuate, depending on how much you weighed before your Lap-Band surgery, how much you eat after the surgery and whether or not you exercise as part of your weight loss plan.
Time Frame
After Lap-Band surgery, your most significant weight loss should occur within the first year following the procedure. According to studies cited by Lap-Band's manufacturer, Allergan, most patients lose over 34 percent of their excess pounds within 6 month and over 50 percent by the end of the first year. A long-term study in "Obesity Surgery" magazine found that Lap-Band patients had a 55 percent loss at the end of 5 years.
Losing weight too quickly by any means, including Lap-Band surgery, can be unhealthy. Some patients who have had Lap-Band surgery will lose weight more rapidly than others. Generally, this weight loss should not exceed 2 to 3 lb. each week to stay within a safe and healthy range.
Patients who have Lap-Band surgery tend to lose weight less quickly than those who have had traditional gastric bypass surgery. However, after the 5-year post-surgery mark, there is no difference in total amount of weight lost between the two groups. Lap-Band patients also have the same success level as gastric bypass patients in being able to maintain their weight loss for the long term.
When a patient has good weight loss results from her Lap-Band surgery, she may also realize some overall health benefits. These typically include an improvement in conditions such as snoring/sleep apnea, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. The weight loss may also reduce any knee pain by removing additional stress from the knees.