What Do You Eat After Bariatric Surgery?
Types of Procedures
The most common procedures are gastric bypass surgery and adjustable gastric band (or lap band) surgery. With gastric bypass surgery, the small intestine (with the help of staples) is reconfigured to form a "Y" shape, with part of the "Y" creating two parts of the stomach. A lap band uses the same concept and involves putting a silicone band around the stomach to create two parts of the stomach.
How It Works
The stomach now has a smaller part and a larger part. The smaller stomach cannot hold as much food as before and becomes full faster. Feeling full after consuming significantly fewer calories alone leads to weight loss. If the patient continues to eat, the body will send out distress signals in the form of pain, nausea, or vomiting.
Immediately after surgery, a patient is only allowed to ingest clear liquids. Water, clear broth, and diluted fruit juices are acceptable. Even though it's more of a solid, sugar-free gelatin is an acceptable alternative.
The First Month
Once the doctor has determined that the body is responding to the liquid diet, the patient can move on to pureed foods. Protein drinks, cream of wheat, pureed fruit, and yogurt are just a few examples of typical foods. It is important to drink a lot of fluids (but not during meals) and possibly take a vitamin supplement.
Getting Back to Normal
After the pureed food stage comes the soft food stage. This includes canned fruit, cooked vegetables, fish, ground meat, and yogurt. Graduating to "normal" foods is the final step. It is important to stay hydrated (still not while eating) and eat small portions.
As with any medical procedure, a doctor should be consulted to discuss the risks and rewards of bariatric surgery. Discuss any dietary concerns, at any stage, with a doctor as well.