Personality Changes Following Brain Tumor Surgery
Why Personality Changes Occur
Depending on the location of the tumor, pathways from the tumor to other areas of the brain may be affected. Surgery and other treatments for brain tumors may also disrupt or even damage some areas of the brain.
According to the University of Virginia, "Ninety-three percent of patients reported symptoms consistent with depression immediately following an operation for a brain tumor." Recovery from brain tumor surgery can be a physically and mentally difficult process. Patients may become frustrated and depressed. Depression can also be a result of a disruption in the brain. Common symptoms for depression include feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness or sadness; trouble sleeping or sleeping too much; irritability; restlessness; loss of interest in daily activities or hobbies; crying spells; fatigue; generally feeling miserable, but unable to pinpoint why; thoughts of suicide; and social isolation.
New Behaviors
Some patients may experience changes in sexual interests, compulsive tendencies,
loss of inhibitions or withdrawal. Some patients may laugh at things that are not funny or perhaps have outbursts of anger.
Other changes
Additional personality changes--which may or may not be connected to depression--include anxiety, irritability, apathy, euphoria and sudden mood changes.
How to get help
If you or a loved one is experiencing personality changes after brain tumor surgery, contact a neuropsychologist, preferably one who has experience working with brain tumor patients. If you are caring for a brain tumor patient, take notes on when symptoms occur. Note the time, duration and circumstances. Report your findings to a doctor. Maintaining a routine at home may help lower anxiety for the patient.