Brain Surgery Complications
Requirements for Brain Surgery
If a CAT scan shows an abnormality on the brain as the result of a disease or head trauma a specialized surgeon will have to make the decision concerning the patient's overall health. In situations where abnormalities impair certain brain functions surgery may be needed in order to repair the proper functions of the brain. Hemorrhaging and tumors can appear as abnormalities.
Associated Risks
In some instances, especially with head trauma, immediate surgical action is required. The longer it takes to perform brain surgery the more associated risks arise from the injury to the brain such as brain bleeds that can lead to sudden death and mental retardation. At the same time, brain surgery itself has certain associated risks such as a bacterial infection due to the brain being exposed to the open air.
Anesthesia Complications
Anesthesia is used during surgical procedures to block pain receptors in the brain so that patients are kept comfortable during the surgery. A patient may have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia used which can cause breathing problems, loss of feeling due to misplacement of the anesthesia in a spinal location and even death in rare, serious cases. It is important that you tell your physician about any previous reactions to anesthesia.
More Complications
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center "surgery on any one area may cause problems with speech, memory, muscle weakness, balance, vision, coordination, and other functions. These problems may last a short while or they may not go away." Blood clots and brain bleeds are also associated complications of brain surgery as well as seizures, stroke, coma and swelling of the brain.
If your doctor has recommended brain surgery as a necessity to fix certain impairments of the brain you should discuss any concerns you have openly. Your doctor will be able to help you understand the procedure and the risks involved. Avoid head trauma by wearing a helmet any time you ride a bike or motorcycle and making sure there are no sharp corners in your home to fall and hit your head on.