How to Read a CT Scan Film

CT or CAT scans take cross-section views of the brain, or other anatomy, to show soft tissue and anomalies that may suggest lesions, tumors or other problems. After a CT scan is completed, the images are transferred to X-ray film with select cross-sections shown to give doctors and patients a clearer picture of any potential problem.

Things You'll Need

  • CT scan film
  • Light source
  • Anatomy book or pictures
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      Place film on a light board or up to another bright light source to see the images with the light showing the contrast from behind.

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      Familiarize your self with the basic anatomical structures you are looking at, and create reference points for easier review. In a CT scan of the brain, you will see gray-toned pictures of the skull, brain and synovial cavity sections within the head. You should clearly see the right and left hemisphere of the brain with a black layer (synovial fluid) cushioning the brain inside the skull.

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      The body and all its components are generally symmetrical, so look for areas where symmetry is altered.

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      Look for large masses. Dark (black) areas will generally refer to fluid buildup caused by lesions, resulting from problems such as strokes or Alzheimer's disease.

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      Bright (white) masses suggest foreign tissue or other implant. This generally suggests a tumor, though there is no way of determining if it is benign or not by a CT scan. Other items that a CT scan can show are screws from surgical procedures or other foreign objects.

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