How to Enjoy Life After Brain Surgery
Be prepared for headaches after brain surgery. This may sound obvious, but you need to know that these are a specific result of surgery and must be managed. Your doctor will help you know what medications you can take to do so.
Take your medications as instructed. Many patients experience small seizures after surgery, so doctors prescribe anti-convulsants that help control or eliminate this problem. Also, physicians frequently prescribe steroids to eliminate brain swelling.
Go easy on yourself. Fatigue is one of the most common problems experienced after brain surgery. To enjoy your life more, you need to rest frequently. Accept this reality. It is only temporary.
Control your depression by seeing a therapist and possibly taking anti-depressants. You will have a lot of adjusting to do. Therapy can help you with this, and anti-depressants can take the edge off.
Consider every day as an opportunity to enjoy a better life. As trite as that may sound, it is still so true. After recovering from brain surgery, you simply must embrace life with both hands and love it for what it is.