How to Prevent Capsular Contracture
Learn how to massage your breast every day to soften scar tissue. Stop smoking, which is a major risk factor for capsular contracture. Maintain good general health to further reduce risks.
Ask your surgeon whether you should take vitamin E daily in higher doses. Vitamin E is believed to promote healing of tissues and to soften scar tissue. Discuss how sanitary conditions in the operating room might affect risks of capsular contracture.
Take an asthma medication such as zafirlukast twice a day for six months, with your doctor's permission. The medication blocks the production of substances that contribute to inflammation and the formation of scar tissue.
Consider wearing a compression garment or bandage over the breast to prevent the formation of hard scar tissue.
Discuss with your surgeon the advantages of submuscular placement of the implant, as well a smooth versus textured implants. Don't choose a nipple incision because of the risk of bacterial infection