Facts About Mastopexy
Mastopexy generally does not have a medical purpose; its purpose is solely cosmetic. It can enhance the size, shape and appearance of breasts. It makes a woman look and feel younger, and her breasts will be more firm and tender. Because it is a cosmetic procedure, it is generally considered elective surgery and is not covered by most insurance carriers.
Prior to the mastexomy, a mammogram and breast x-rays are required. The surgery is then performed, which lasts between one and three hours. An incision is made in the breasts, and the breasts are raised. This can occur by repositioning the skin in the breast and reshaping it, or by removing excess, sagging skin. Only skin and tissue are moved--the actual muscles of the breast and nipples are not altered. Scarring may occur either around the nipples, or around the nipples and down the breasts, or around the nipples and across the breasts.
The surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure and you are able to go home the same time. Your breasts may be bruised or swollen, with broken skin, and you may feel some pain or numbness. These side effects usually last several days, and within a week you can return to work. Full recovery takes between four and six weeks before you can resume strenuous activity, and it may take up to a year before the scarring from the surgery begins to fade.
After the Procedure
As long as your weight does not vary dramatically, the results of your surgery should be fairly long lasting. However, as you age, your breasts will again begin to sag as gravity takes effect and the skin becomes less elastic. The long term results of the surgery can be improved if a breast implant is also inserted during the same procedure.
Risks associated with the surgery include the standard risks associated with almost any surgery: the risk of an infection or allergic reaction to anesthesia. Additional risks include bleeding or infection in the breasts which can cause unusual scarring, evenly positioned nipples, and a loss of sensation in the breasts. The scars associated with mastopexy are not a risk--they are a guarantee. The scars will be permanent and noticeable, although they do fade somewhat over time. Smokers tend to have worse scars, with less fading.