What Know About Breastfeeding
For babies
Breastfeeding provides many health benefits for babies, including:
* Reduced risk of diarrhea and respiratory infections
* Improved cognitive development
* Reduced risk of allergies and asthma
* Lower risk of obesity
* Improved dental health
For mothers
Breastfeeding can also provide health benefits for mothers, including:
* Reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer
* Improved bone health
* Reduced risk of postpartum depression
* Improved heart health
How to breastfeed
1. Get comfortable. Find a comfortable position for you and your baby.
2. Hold your baby close. Make sure your baby’s tummy is against your belly and your baby’s chin is touching your breast.
3. Latch your baby. Open your baby’s mouth wide and guide your nipple into their mouth. Make sure your baby’s lower lip is over your areola.
4. Let your baby nurse. Allow your baby to nurse until they are full.
5. Break the suction. When you are finished nursing, gently break the suction by inserting your pinky finger into the corner of your baby’s mouth.
Tips for breastfeeding
* Breastfeed your baby as soon as possible after birth.
* Breastfeed your baby frequently. Newborns should nurse 10-12 times a day. As your baby gets older, they will nurse less frequently.
* Let your baby nurse for as long as they want.
* Avoid giving your baby a bottle or pacifier. These can interfere with breastfeeding.
* If you have any problems breastfeeding, talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant.
When you are ready to stop breastfeeding, you will need to wean your baby. There are many ways to wean your baby, and the best way for you will depend on your and your baby’s individual needs. Some weaning methods include:
* Gradually reducing the number of nursing sessions each day
* Shortening the length of each nursing session
* Substituting formula or other food for some nursing sessions
* Stopping nursing cold turkey
Weaning can be a difficult process, but with patience and support, you and your baby can get through it.
Breastfeeding and work
If you are planning to breastfeed and work, there are a few things you need to do to prepare:
* Talk to your employer about your breastfeeding plans.
* Find a childcare provider who is supportive of breastfeeding.
* Create a plan for how you will pump breast milk at work.
* Store your breast milk safely.
* Talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant about any concerns you have about breastfeeding and work.
With planning and support, you can successfully breastfeed and work.