How to Choose Nursing Bra
2. Comfort is Key
3. Choose Full-Coverage or Minimizer Styles
4. Consider Strap Width and Adjustability
5. Nursing Bra Material Matters
6. Look for Closure and Clasp Features
7. Think about the Fastening Method
8. Don’t Forget the Nursing Pads
9. Know When to Replace
Additional Tips:
* Try bras on before you buy them. This will ensure that you get the best fit and can also prevent you from buying the wrong size.
* If you are uncomfortable while trying on a bra, it is likely not the right size.
* Avoid bras with underwire, especially during the first few weeks after giving birth, as they can be uncomfortable.
* If you find a bra that fits well and is comfortable, you may want to buy more than one. This way, you will always have a clean bra to wear.