When screws become loose after back surgery?
1. Early Loosening: Screw loosening can occur early in the postoperative period, typically within the first few weeks or months after surgery. This can happen due to various factors, such as inadequate surgical technique, poor bone quality, or excessive strain or movement placed on the spine during the healing phase.
2. Intermediate Loosening: Screw loosening can also occur during the intermediate period, which is generally considered to be between several months to a few years after surgery. This may be caused by gradual wear and tear, ongoing bone remodeling, or loosening due to mechanical stress over time.
3. Late Loosening: Screw loosening can also happen many years after back surgery, often referred to as late loosening. This usually occurs after several years to more than a decade after the procedure. It can result from various factors, such as the long-term effects of spinal degeneration or hardware fatigue over time.
It's important to note that screw loosening doesn't always occur and is influenced by various factors, including surgical skill, patient anatomy, surgical approach, and postoperative care. If you experience persistent pain or other concerning symptoms after back surgery, it's crucial to consult with your surgeon for evaluation and appropriate management.