Carpal Tunnel Exercises After Surgery
Stress Ball Exercises
Open your hands wide so that your fingers are extended. Then, make a fist with both of your hands, hold for a few seconds and then release. Do not over-exert yourself. Make the fist using a little force. Use a stress ball if you find that it is difficult for you to make a fist. A stress ball is a useful rehabilitation tool because there are several exercises that you can do using it. One is clenching it in either one or both of your hands if you have more than one ball. Squeeze and release the ball several times in a row. Do this exercise for 10 repetitions at different times during the day.
Wrist Bending
Stand up and extend your arms out so that they are raised in front of you. Bend your wrists up and face your palms outward so that you are in a standing push-up position. Once your wrists are bent, relax them and let your hands hang down while keeping your arms extended. Proceed to make your hands into a fist and then bend the wrist downward while keeping your hands in the fist position. Hold each position for one second. Release the fists and let your hands relax. Bring your arms down, shake them out, and then repeat for 15 repetitions. Do this at least three times a day.
Wrist Rotating
While either seated or standing, bring your arms up so they are outstretched above your head. Bring your hands into a light fist. Rotate each wrist in the opposite direction. Rotate one wrist clockwise and the other counter-clockwise. Once you have rotated for at least 10 repetitions, switch directions. Do this exercise as many times as you are comfortable with. Because this is an exercise that deals primarily with the wrist movement, it may not be possible for you to do a lot during early stages of your recovery.