How to Prepare for Open Incision Carpal Tunnel Surgery

If previous treatments for your carpal tunnel syndrome have been ineffective, your doctor will likely recommend that you undergo surgery for the condition. Open incision surgery is one of the possibilities to treat carpal tunnel. The procedure involves an incision across the wrist and then a process to reduce pressure on the median nerve. This nerve is responsible for most carpal tunnel symptoms. Read on to learn how to prepare for open incision carpal tunnel surgery.


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      Have your doctor help you prepare for the procedure. He will likely do a physical exam on your hand strength, look at how effectively your nerves can send pulses to your hand and measure the electric pulses in your hand muscles. These tests will produce a detailed understanding of how exactly you should expect to benefit from the surgery.

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      Find a friend to drive you to and from the operation. This is necessary because the hospital won't let you drive after you have anesthesia.

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      Watch what you eat before the procedure. Most surgeries require that you don't eat or drink anything in the 18 hours prior to the procedure. This ensures that you won't choke should you vomit during anesthesia.

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      Talk to your doctor about the medicine you'll be taking after surgery. Your doctor will probably want you to take several anti-infection medicines. Let her know if you have any medical allergies.

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      Find out if your job will give you paid leave after the surgery. Depending on whether your dominant or non-dominant hand will be operated on, you could be out of work for up to two weeks. In some cases you will be back on the job in two days or less. Be sure that your boss knows you'll be out and see if you can use up a few sick days.

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      Talk to your insurance provider about the costs associated with open incision carpal tunnel surgery. Part or all of the surgery could be covered by your insurance.

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