How to Install a Car Seat
1. Read the car seat manual and your vehicle’s owner’s manual. Every car seat and vehicle is different so make sure that the seat you have is compatible with your car. Note any instructions or warnings from the manufacturer as well as from your vehicle.
2. Choose the right seat. The best place to install a rear-facing car seat is in the center of the back seat, so that the child is as far away as possible from any of the car's airbags.
3. Level the seat. Some vehicles have sloped floors, so it is important to place a rolled up towel or blanket underneath the seat to level it before you install the car seat.
4. Install the car seat. There are two main ways to install a car seat: using the vehicle's seat belt, or using a LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system. Choose one of the methods based on your vehicle owner’s manual and/or the car seat manufacturer’s recommendations.
5. Using a seat belt. First, pass the seat belt through the car seat's belt path. Next, buckle the seat belt and pull it tight to remove any slack from the belt. Lock the seat belt in the car.
6. Using the LATCH system. Most car seats manufactured since 2002 come with LATCH attachments. First, locate the LATCH anchors in your car. They are usually located in the vehicle seat bight where the back and bottom cushions of the seat meet. Next, connect the car seat's LATCH attachments to the anchors and pull the LATCH strap until it is tight.
7. Check the installation. Once the car seat is installed, make sure that it is snug by giving it a try. It should not move more than one inch from side to side or in front of the car seat at the belt path.
8. Install the top tether. If the car seat has a top tether, attach it to the top tether anchor behind the vehicle's seat. Make sure that the top tether is tight.
Installing a forward-facing car seat:
1. Read the car seat manual and your vehicle’s owner’s manual. Every car seat and vehicle is different so make sure that the seat you have is compatible with your car. Note any instructions or warnings from the manufacturer as well as from your vehicle.
2. Choose the right seat. Always install a forward-facing car seat in the back seat of the vehicle. The safest spot is the center seat if available, but either side seat is acceptable.
3. Install the car seat. Use a seat belt or the LATCH system.
4. Check the installation. Make sure that the car seat is snug and does not move more than one inch from side to side or in front of the car seat at the belt path.
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