How to Finance Cataract Surgery
Learn Different Ways to Finance Your Cataract Surgery
Find the best price on your surgery. You might find that there is a difference of hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars between different surgeons. Remember that cheaper surgery doesn't mean it's worse, nor does more expensive surgery guarantee better results. If you find two surgeons that you like, cost may be the deciding factor when choosing between them.
Talk to your insurance to see what your expected contribution for the surgery will be. Once you know how much your surgery will cost, you can see if you can pay for it up front or if you need to pay it in installments or with a loan.
Ask the surgeon's office when payment is expected. Many surgeons require the total amount the day of your surgery and before the operation.
Discus a payment plan with your insurance company. If you are unable to pay the balance of your surgery up front, your insurance might cover it and add the cost to your monthly payments. If you have payment options, you'll probably want to pay off as much as you can afford each month to pay less in interest.
See your bank about getting a small loan. In the worst-case scenario, your insurance won't pay for any of your surgery. If you and your doctor both still feel that surgery is necessary, call up your bank. Many banks will offer you a small loan to finance your cataract surgery provide that your credit is good.